Monday, October 18, 2010

Another view of George Padmore

He hit another one of my catcher accounts with his orphan plea. I responded in the manner of David Foster Wallace:
My goodness! w/r/t the children is there anything I can do to help?*

*I once met a man from Zaire who had a pet dog named Rambo. The dog was a happy little Pomeranian and often would lick my face. Well, long story short the dog got rabies and bit a child. The child's parents could not afford a rabies shot, and he died in a ghastly way. Foaming, raving, clawing at his very parents. Tough shit, I said, and put a bullet through his head. Then I shot the mad dog. These things happen, I said, damned if they don't. Sometimes all you can do is curl up** in a fetal position and drink to make it all go away.

** Curling up in the fetal position is the recommended strategy for dealing with the crimes*** that life brings you.

*** Sometimes they occur while I sleep. Sometimes I wake up bloody and with pockets full of money. Sometimes I wake up and wonder if I have died. Sometimes I scream.****

**** "Oh no what I have done to this poor girl!"

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