My new friend in Christ Benerji B responded to my ASEM with:
Dear Beloved in christ, holy greetings to you all hisI wonder how I should respond.
blessings shall be upon you forever. iam pastor shalem benni
from eluru w.g.district india by birth iam hindu but my parents turned
in to him at time of emergency and in accordance to my parents
wish,iam working as a pastor in our area serving him and the people
too.i completed bible course in madrass for the period of three years
i gathered four of my friends and i turned them
too pastors as they are intrested our ministry name is JESUS
EVANGELICAL TEAM,we five run for all the activities and do the service
gathering people from all the corners of our nearby area there are
very remove villages where jesus is unknown for them.we flew there and
are teaching about bible and the lord too Totall,our country itself is
hindu religious dominated country.we are all working in this dominated
environment all people will see us like anything as we are teaching
about him verses we used to conduct street campaings and all for
reaching his word to the unreached we used to distribute pamphlets and
all for the peoplearound in the hundred will react for us and
for our work this hard environment we are workng for the
extension of his kingdom. we haveva church and we conduct
service for the converted people and for the people who belive him. we
five are from very poor families struggle even for food.we totall
depend on agriculture only and the offring church people houses and
gather some people and pray for them.street gospel is the main
activity of us we are not having any equipment like musical
instruments mic ect.only by his given voice we are spreading his workd
kindly help us at your best so that we five can move to the entire
country and can bring many people into his kingdom
in accordance to the verse GO into all the world and preach the
good news to all creation.whoever believes and is baptized will be my name they will drive out demons.they will speak in new
tongues they will place their hands on sick people and they will get
well;Mark16;15 iam working in accordance with this verse.
please extend your co-operation
encouragement for our team.your every help will be highly appreciated
in his kingdom.
all our church people are sending their wishes to you. we shall
wait at your early reply.awaiting early reply
thanking you in his name and my postal
address : pastor:shalem.benarji
n.p.raju colony Eluru w.g.district S.india
pin:534001 ph:91(9908850765)
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