Friday, June 18, 2010

Polyphasic Sleep: Day 15

I went on a *nix installation binge at about 11 p.m. last night. I skipped that nap, the one after, and the next one.

I only ended up napping around 10:00 this morning.

I prepared myself for the inevitable nap cluster, by creating a staggered alarm schedule. I figured that one of these alarms would catch me in the decreasing rem sleep in each nap, rather than the deeper sleep that makes you a grizzly bear when you wake up.

It worked, and it didn't. I spent 4 hours alternately zombieish and napping. But on the last nap, the idea worked perfectly. It woke me up right in the middle of a dream, and I didn't feel like going back to sleep.

I feel pretty good now, though still a bit disoriented about time and dates. This seems to happen for a while if something goes wrong.

Hopefully this is the last nap cluster. I'm onto them.

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