Monday, June 28, 2010

Polyphasic Sleep: Day 25* Gah

On Sunday I had to go between 11am and 11pm without a nap to fit in with my work schedule.

I ended up oversleeping til about 5:30 in the morning.

Interesting, that the missed naps expanded out the way they did. I'm curious now about missing a nap under somewhat controlled conditions, then seeing how much oversleep is produced. Can I verify Pure Doxyk's nap:90 minutes of sleep relation? Or does it vary by person?

Since this was an annoying oversleep,  I'm going to reset my day clock today. I'm going for a perfect 3 days.

After an oversleep, the first three days are the most crucial. You've got a short time to compress all the sleep deprivation until your schedule begins working; mistakes mean you'll have the sleep dep for longer and harder, making adaptation much harder.

Ah well, 25 day months go with 22 hour days.

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